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About the Institute

Welcome from the directors

Who we are


Organisation chart and governing bodies


Governing bodies

Advisory bodies


Legal constitution and statutes

The IdISBa's statutes, creation agreement and addenda to the agreement can all be viewed below::


IdISBa's statutes

IdISBa's creation agreement



List of positions (RPT) in the IdISBa in accordance with the 15th additional provision established in Act 15/2012 of 27 December on general budgets of the Autonomous Region of the Balearic Islands for 2013:


IdISBa's list of positions


Decree 17/2019, of March 15, approving the Statute of the research workforce at the service of the health research institutes of the Balearic Islands:


Research career decree


The IdISBa welcome guide can be viewed in the following document:


Welcome guide


The IdISBa collective bargaining agreement can be viewed in the following document:


Collective bargain


Plans and programmes

The IdISBa's strategy plan can be viewed in the followings documents:


IdISBa's strategy plan

IdISBa's strategy plan (summary)


The IdISBa's shared scientific strategy can be viewed in the following document:


IdISBa's shared scientific strategy

IdISBa's list of scientific areas


The equality plant of the IdISBa can be viewed in the following document:


IdISBa's equality plan


The open access policy of the IdISBa can be viewed in the following document:


IdISBa's open access policy


The internal regulations of the IdISBa as regards the ascription research and scientific production signature can be consulted in the following document:


IdISBa's researchers affiliation


The IdISBa's support strategy for emerging groups and the IdISBa's emerging groups and researchers can be viewed in the following documents:


IdISBa's support strategy for emerging groups

IdISBa's emerging groups and researchers


The IdISBa's HR plan and the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers can be viewed at the following links:


IdISBa's HR plan

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (H4RSR)


The IdISBa's integration strategy, infrastructure strategy, good clinical practice guide, management quality strategy, policy quality strategy, and the ethics committee on animal experimentation can be viewed in the following documents:


IdISBa's integration strategy

IdISBa's infrastructure strategy

IdISBa's good clinical practice guide

IdISBa's management quality strategy

IdISBa's policy quality strategy

IdISBa's ethics committee on animal experimentation


The IdISBa's innovation plan, the agreement for the secondment of research activities and innovation between IB-Salut and the IdISBa and the regulations on the protection of the research results of the IdISBa can be found in the following documents:


IdISBa's innovation plan

IdISBa's agreement for secondment of research activities and innovation

IdISBa's regulations on the protection of research results


The IdISBa's training plan can be viewed in the following document:


IdISBa's training plan


The IdISBa's waste plan can be viewed in the following document:


IdISBa's waste plan


The IdISBa's communication plan can be viewed in the following document:


IdISBa's communication plan


The IdISBa's internationalization plan can be viewed in the following document:


IdISBa's internationalization plan



The IdISBa's nursery plan can be viewed in the following document:


IdISBa's nursery plan



Other information

Other information relating to satisfaction and training surveys:


IdISBa's satisfaction survey 2022

IdISBa's equality plan survey 2018

IdISBa's satisfaction survey 2021

IdISBa's satisfaction survey 2020

IdISBa's satisfaction survey 2019

IdISBa's satisfaction survey 2018

IdISBa's satisfaction survey 2017

IdISBa's satisfaction survey 2016

IdISBa's satisfaction survey 2015

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