- To boost the Institute’s participation in international and European research projects.
- To analyse the adequacy of the Institute's RDI projects and to map European programmes and funding opportunities.
- To scientifically plan, manage, assess, and review international and European proposals as well as to analyse the adequacy of the projects with respect to the topics and to prepare their budgets.
- To provide and manage the technical documents and the forms for the presentation of projects as well as to monitor them until the final approval.
- To strengthen the established consortia and to find new partnerships.
- To manage and justify the funding of the international and European projects in coordination with the Institute's Finance Department.
- To prepare audits.
- To communicate with the different parties in relation to a project, such as the partners, the management and funding entities, etc.
- To coordinate and organise scientific conferences and meetings on the funded European projects.
- To organise and perform training courses and workshops so as to promote participation in European calls among the Institute's researchers.
- To spread news related to European funding opportunities and to training courses.
- To support the initiatives and projects managed by the Institute's International Project Office.
- To support the Institute's Unit for Innovation and the Transfer of Research Results in terms of the intellectual and industrial property of the requested and granted projects.
Elena Ferragut and Ernesto González-Robles

elena.ferragut@ssib.es / ernesto.gonzalez-robles@ssib.es
Telf: (+34) 871 20 52 34 Ext. 65272