The IdISBa Biobanks and Biomodels Platform is a scientific-technical platform of the Institute that supports Biomedical Research. Its main function is to make human biological samples and their associated clinical data available to the scientific community, always ensuring the rights of donors. These samples are obtained in a standardized way in order to offer a quality service.
IdISBa Biobank is aware of the importance of consolidating a culture of quality in its services and considers it a strategic factor to ensure that the competences, skills and aptitudes of its staff are recognized both by the research community and by society in general.
This commitment to quality is reflected in the ISO 9001:2015 certification achieved in 2022 which guarantees the organization of procedures according to a management system for processes and under a quality policy that aims to ensure maximum user satisfaction, as well as continuous improvement.
The Biobank has been authorized by the Directorate General for Health Research, Teaching and Accreditation of the Government of the Balearic Islands since January 11, 2013, with file number 3409. In addition, it is registered in the National Register of Biobanks with the registration number B.0000527 and is part of the Platform of Biobanks and Biomodels of the Carlos III Institute of Health.

Portfolio of services:
- Transfer of human samples for Biomedical Research projects: Hemoderivatives, milk, urine, cells and fresh frozen or paraffin-embedded tissues.
- Sarcomas: Fresh frozen tissue and paraffin wax.
- Lymphomas: Whole blood (hemoderivatives), DNA and fresh frozen tissue.
- CAR-T Therapy Collection: Blood derivatives from clinical follow-up of patients diagnosed with lymphomas and undergoing CAR-T therapy.
- Gliomas: Frozen tissue.
- Ovarian cancer: Whole blood, hemoderivatives, frozen tissue and frozen tissue embedded in OCT.
- COVID-19: Blood and urine from patients admitted to the ward, ICU and patients under follow-up after discharge.
- Healthy donors: donations from healthy controls and FBSTIB donors (samples discarded from the therapeutic process: milk, blood, umbilical cord blood, hemoderivatives, tendon bone tissue or retinas).
- Custody of collections: Processing and conservation of samples from Biomedical Research projects.
- Histological techniques: Fixation and embedding of soft tissue and bone tissues in kerosene for research projects. Cutting and staining of paraffin-embedded or fresh tissues. Haematoxylin and eosin staining.
- 3D Printing Services: Basic or advanced virtual biomodel; basic or advanced biomodel and medical 3D printing; surgical guides; basic, advanced or complex prototyping and technical advice.
The IdISBa Biobanks and Biomodels platform is located in Module I on floor -1 of Hospital Universitari Son Espases.
Contact person:
Victoria Elizabeth Cano García
Tel.: (+34) 659 70 23 34 Ext. 47545
Tel.: (+34) 871 20 52 34 Ext. 64537