Flow cytometry consists of measuring the properties of individual cells or microscopic particles in suspension through fluorescent markers. In addition to the quantification of these markers from the different cell populations, cytometry also makes it possible to isolate these populations according to their characteristics (sorter).
The Cell Culture and Cytometry Platform makes available to users the possibility of cultivating in vitro and experimenting with different types of cell populations, both primary cultures and established cell lines.
Since 2020, the XFe96 Seahorse equipment has also been available in the platform to analyze metabolism in living cells.
- FACSVerse cytometer analyzer (488, 640 and 405 nm lasers and 8 fluorescences).
- BD FACSAria Sorter Cytometer Fusion (488, 640 and 405 nm lasers and 14 fluorescences).
- Sample Preparation BD FACS Assistant Lyse Wash .
Cell cultures:
- Laminar flow cabinets: 6 Telstar biological safety cabinets Bio -IIA.
- Incubators : 7 units with temperature, humidity and CO2 control.
- Inverted microscopes: Olympus , Nikon (with fluorescence detection), and LEICA.
- Cryopreservation equipment : liquid nitrogen tanks and deep freezers .
- Cell counter: Millipore Scepter .
- Electroporator for eukaryotic cells: Lonza Nucleofector .
- Tissue Dissociator: Miltenyi gentlemacs Dissociator .
- Equipment for real-time monitoring of cell growth/adhesion/migration: RTCA ACEA.
Seahorse Metabolism Analyzer :
- Cellular metabolism analyzer in 96-well plate format. Agilent Seahorse XFe96.
Service portfolio:
The main applications offered by the IdISBa within the field of cytometry and cell cultures are:
- Sample preparation for flow cytometry.
- Immunophenotyping (membrane or intracellular).
- Study of the cell cycle and functionality.
- Proliferation.
- Apoptosis.
- Quantification through multiplex techniques.
- Cell separation.
- Use of incubators and hoods for primary cultures and maintenance of cell lines.
- Tissue dissociation.
- Electroporation .
- Cell count.
- Conservation of cells and cell lines in liquid N2.
- Analysis of cell metabolism in 96-well plate format using commercial or homemade kits.
- Training of users in the management of available equipment.
- Technical advice on experimental design, sample preparation, etc.
The Cytometry and Cell Culture Platform is located in modules I and F on floor -1 and in building S, floor 0 of the Son Espases University Hospital, and occupies a useful area of: 21.60 m2 for cytometry and 17, 25 m2 for cell cultures in module I, 28.6 m2 in module F and 30.05 m2 in building S.

Contact person:
Dra. Catalina Crespí Bestard
Contact: catalina.crespib@ssib.es
Tel.: (+34) 871 20 52 34 Ext. 64522