The objective of the IdISBa Genomics and Bioinformatics platform is to provide support for research that features genetic studies in its projects.
Accordingly, the Genomics and Bioinformatics platform provides researchers with advanced technologies for full study of the genome, from transcriptomics and their regulation, to structural study (copy number variation) at the full genome level, as well as the bioinformatic analysis of the databases generated in these genomic studies.
- QX200 Digital PCR system (Biorad).
- Bioanalyzer (Agilent 2100).
- Miseq mass sequencer Illumina).
- Affymetrix array unit.
- Real-time PCR system (BioRad CFX96 Touch and Illumina Eco).
- “Chef Mapper XA” pulsed field electrophoresis unit.

Portfolio of services:
The main applications offered by the IdISBa in the field of genomics are:
- QX200 Digital PCR system (Biorad).
- Absolute quantification of DNA or RNA.
- Genotyping and detection of mutations.
- Bioanalyzer (Agilent 2100).
- Quality control and quantification of DNA and RNA samples.
- Miseq mass sequencer (Illumina).
- 15 Gb and 25M readings per sequencing.
- DNAseq and RNAseq panel sequencing.
- NGS library preparation and quality control.
- Affymetrix array unit enabling studies of:
- RNA expression profiles (messenger and non-coding).
- Micro-RNA expression profiles.
- Splicing isoform-level studies.
- High-resolution cytogenetic studies for analysing gains and losses, and absence of heterozygosity.
- Real-time PCR system (BioRad CFX96 Touch and Illumina Eco).
- Chef Mapper XA” pulsed field electrophoresis unit.
- Bioinformatic analysis of the genomic databases:
- Studies of differential expression of genes, miRNAs and lncRNAs.
- Correlation studies of the miRNA-mRNA expression profiles.
- Studies of functional enrichment and identification of altered pathways in the clinical context.
- Interpretation of results.
The platform’s aim is to provide a complete sample analysis, from preparation to interpreting the results. Support and technical and bioinformatic consulting is available for users needing these services.
The IdISBa Genomics and Bioinformatics Platform is located in Module F on level -1 at Son Espases University Hospital.

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