The platform is designed to provide researchers with access to the use of optical and fluorescence microscopy techniques. It can perform fluorescence imaging using both inverted and direct or confocal microscopy.
- Axio Scope direct epifluorescence microscope (ZEISS).
- Cell Observer inverted fluorescence microscope. Includes an APOTOME system that can eliminate autofluorescence and capture images on the same focal plane along the entire Z axis.
- ZEISS LSM 710 confocal microscope. Includes multiple filters to optimise confocal image capture.
- 3 inverted microscopes based at the Cytometry and Cell Cultures platform (2 LEICA, 1 Olympus).
- Nikon direct fluorescence microscope.
To analyse and treat the images captured by the different microscopes, the platform has a work station with the necessary hardware to process large-scale experiments and multiple image-analysis software packages.
Porfolio of services:
The main applications offered by the IdISBa in the field of microscopy are:
- Multichannel and multidimensional imaging, images in mosaic and multiple positions through fluorescent, reflected and transmitted light.
- Microscopy in living cells.
- Molecular proximity analysis: FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer).
- Technical assistance for image processing and analysis (3D reconstruction, quantification, co-localisation, FRET analysis, FRAP, particle tracking).
- Training in image processing and analysis.
- Consulting in experiment design and sample preparation.
- Equipment use training.
The IdISBa Microscopy Platform is located in Module F on level -1 at Son Espases University Hospital, with a floor area of 14.7 square metres.

Contat person:
Dr. Javier Piérola Lopetegui
Contact: javier.pierola@ssib.es
Telf.: (+34) 871 20 52 34 Ext. 64520